Thursday, November 13, 2008

Let the Gift Ideas Start Rolling

I know we still have Thanksgiving to get through, but honestly, Thanksgiving doesn't require the hours upon hours of making, buying, and wrapping gifts to get through the holiday like Christmas requires. Therefore, I've already completed/started making some gifts for some of the loved ones on my list!

The first completed is for my mom's birthday (unfortunately my family has several birthdays coinciding with the holiday season) which I have to mail out next week.

In this gift box is:

  • A covered composition notebook for scriptures, quotes, anything else she wants to save.
  • A ribbon-beaded bookmark
  • A small pocketbook to match her favorite colors and her favorite animal
  • A beaded pen: to do this, I used double-sided tape to cover the pen, rolled it in seed/small beads, and then covered with decopage medium to seal the beads on.

These were simple to make and can be customized to every person on your list!

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